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Services and Information

User Rating: 3 / 5

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  1. A culture of constitutionalism and good governance for national prosperity;
  2. An efficient and effective legal framework for legal advice and legal services to Government and Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs) and Local Governments;
  3. Representation of Government, its Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Local Governments bodies in courts of law and Tribunals;
  4. Respect for the rule of law and due process;
  5. Legal protection through civil rights, business enterprises and intellectual property titles;
  6. Judicious management of estates of deceased persons, properties of minors and persons of unsound mind in accordance with the relevant laws; 
  7. Fostering professional ethics in legal practice through regulation and control of advocates and supervision of legal aid service providers;
  8. Creation of a professional human capital that is disciplined, loyal, impartial, dedicated, accountable and financially credible to the public;
  9. Collection and management of Government resources with integrity and transparency; and
  10. Well drafted legislation capable of being read and understood by all concerned.


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Provide legal advice and legal services to Government, its allied institutions and to the general public and to support the machinery that provides the legal framework for good governance.


A nation that upholds the rule of law, good governance and due process for all.


To promote effective and efficient machinery capable of providing a legal framework for good governance and delivery of legal advice and services to Government, its allied institutions and the general public.